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13.10.3 Byte Data Intrinsic String Copy Functions


data b_cast(data d, text s);

is d, set as s


data b_fit(data d, text s);

is d, appends the s string to the d byte array (same as ‘bb_cast’(d, s))


void b_patch(data d, integer p, text s);

copies the s string at the p position in the d byte array (negative position indications are interpreted with respect to the end of string). d is overwritten. d is extended as necessary.


data bb_cast(data d, text s);

is d, appends the s string to the d byte array


data bu_cast(data d, integer u, text s);

is d, inserts the s string in the u position in the d byte array (negative position indications are interpreted with respect to the end of string)

See Negative Indices.