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Is the length (byte count) of the operand. Same as the ‘b_length’ function.
Are the right operand, sets the left operand as a reference of the right operand. Same as the ‘b_set’, ‘b_cast’, ‘b_mold’ functions.
Are 0 if the left operand is not equal, less or equal, less, greater or equal, greater and not equal, respectively, to the right operand, not zero otherwise. Same as the ‘b_eq’, ‘b_ge’, ‘b_gt’, ‘b_le’, ‘b_lt’, ‘b_ne’ functions.
Are 0 if the left operand is not equal, less or equal, less, greater or equal, greater and not equal, respectively, to the right operand, not zero otherwise. Same as the ‘b_eqa’, ‘b_gea’, ‘b_gta’, ‘b_lea’, ‘b_lta’, ‘b_nea’ functions.
Are 0 if the left operand is not equal, less or equal, less, greater or equal, greater and not equal, respectively, to the right operand, not zero otherwise. Same as the ‘b_aeq’, ‘b_age’, ‘b_agt’, ‘b_ale’, ‘b_alt’, ‘b_ane’ functions.
Are the (positively defined value of the) character indexed by the second operand in the byte array indicated by the first operand. Same as the ‘b_character’ and ‘bo_character’ functions.
Are the (positively defined value of the) character indexed by the second operand in the byte array indicated by the first operand, after it was replaced by the third operand. Same as the ‘b_replace’ function.
Is the second operand if the first is not zero, the third operand otherwise.
Asssociates right to left.
See Byte Data Functions.
Next: Byte Data Converters, Previous: Byte Data Constructor Functions, Up: The Byte Data Library [Index]