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The variadic arguments of the visiting functions are passed by reference where possible. The aime function arguments are passed by reference where required and possible.
void ucall(object o, integer p, &...);
calls o for each argument of the calling aime function and with the unnamed arguments and the aime function argument inserted at the position p in between the unnamed arguments.
void fx1(integer a, real b, text c) { ucall(o_form, 1, " [~]"); }
The function ‘fx1’ prints each of its arguments, in between a leading [ and a trailing ].
void qucall(object o, integer p, integer f, integer l, &...); void ocall(object o, integer p, integer f, integer l, &...);
call o for each of the f to l arguments of the calling aime function and with the unnamed arguments and the aime function argument inserted at the position p in between the unnamed arguments.
If l indicates an element prior to f the arguments starting with the f indexed one to the end of the list and those from the beginning of the list to the l indexed one are used (as if the list of arguments was circular).
void fx2(real a, text b, real c, text d, real e, text f) { ocall(o_form, 1, 0, 2, "[/w6/]"); ocall(o_form, 1, 3, 5, "(/w6/)"); }
The function ‘fx2’ prints on minimum 6 bytes each of its first three arguments in between a leading [ and a trailing ] and each of its last three arguments in between a leading ( and a trailing ).
void rucall(object o, integer p, integer s, integer e, &...);
calls o for each argument of the calling aime function in the s to e section of its arguments list and with the unnamed arguments and the aime function argument inserted at the position p in between the unnamed arguments.
s and e are interpreted as insert positions, and may take positive values between 0 and n (and negative values between -n - 1 and -1, where n is the number of arguments for the calling aime function.
If s indicates a position prior to e the arguments after s to the end of the list and those from the beginning of the list to e are used (as if the list of arguments was circular).
void fx3(real a, text b, real c, text d, real e, text f) { rucall(o_form, 1, 0, 3, "[/w6/]"); rucall(o_form, 1, 3, 6, "(/w6/)"); }
The function ‘fx3’ prints on minimum 6 bytes each of its first three arguments in between a leading [ and a trailing ] and each of its last three arguments in between a leading ( and a trailing ).
Previous: Positional Arguments Collecting Functions, Up: Positional Arguments Access [Index]