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The outer subsequent ‘for’ statement does away with the initial setting of the binding variables. If the regular ‘for’ is equivalent to:
if (set for initial position in data collection) { do { } while (set for the next position); }
the subsequent ‘for’ is:
do { } while (set for the next position);
The braces block is executed once without the binding variables being set, not bound to, and possibly out of the collection being traversed.
Its syntax has a ‘+’ sign following the initial opening parenthesis.
for (+a in collection) { }
for (+a, b in collection) { }
The first binding variable is required. No declarations are allowed by the syntax.
The program:
integer a, b; a = 4; b = 2; for (+a, b in list(0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25)) { o_form("~x~\n", a, b); }
4x2 5x25
The outer subsequent ‘for’ statement is defined for every data types combination for which a plain ‘for’ statement is defined, in the direction in which the latter is defined (forward or backward).