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3.2 Intrinsic Types

The expression evaluator allows four proper intrinsic types, corresponding the logical cardinal (positive integer, that is), integer, real and string, and a special no value type, correspoding the C void type.

The libaime C interface intrinsic type (application available) definitions for the cardinal, integer, real, string and void types are X1f4_E4_BILL, X1f4_E4_MODE, X1f4_E4_REAL, X1f4_E4_TEXT and X1f4_E4_VOID, correspondingly.

See Symbolic Types.

The (underlying) C types correspoding the cardinal, integer, real and string types are defined as X1f4_E4_C_BILL, X1f4_E4_C_MODE, X1f4_E4_C_REAL and X1f4_E4_C_TEXT.

See C Types.