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List the current directory, via ls(1):
text s; xshell xs; # set path b_cast(xs_path(xs), "ls"); # set argv lb_p_text(xs_argv(xs), "ls"); # start process xs_lead(xs); # read and print output lines, one at a time while (f_line(xs_output(xs), s) ^ -1) { o_text(s); o_byte('\n'); }
The same, only relinking the output stream:
file f; text s; xshell xs; # set path b_cast(xs_path(xs), "ls"); # set argv lb_p_text(xs_argv(xs), "ls"); # start process xs_lead(xs); # get a reference for the output stream - only after the process was started f_set(f, xs_output(xs)); # read and print output lines, one at a time while (f_line(f, s) ^ -1) { o_text(s); o_byte('\n'); }