Next: Referable Objects Layout, Up: Referable Types Library [Index]
While it was intended that the application can construct fully referable data types, the associated protocols proved both sufficiently complex and under documented to allow it. The referable types library objects fill in the gaps between between various libaime interfaces to allow for a simplied data type construction.
The application would provide the referable types library object constructors with a list of minimalist type definitions. From these definitions, proper data type definitions are constructed and made available via the library objects.
The objects of the constructed data types can be referred multiple times and can store references to other objects.
See Referable Objects.
For their fully referable character, the constructed data types are heavy and their operation is as expensive as that of libaime referable types in the likes of ‘list’ and ‘record’.
The objects of the constructed types reserve space for application use in the per type specified amount. The start of the object application part becomes the address by which the object is referred.
Object management operations mandated by libaime mechanisms are to be carried out through the methods of the supplied data type descriptions.
Object references are to be made via specific methods of their respective types. The application gets to organize stored references in any fashionable manner and in any suitable data structure, but all at the same time while observing the proper reference operation protocols.
See struct x1f4_datatype_type.
See struct x1f4_nodetype_type.
The application may employ any number of referable types library objects, each making available a different set of data types.
Next: Referable Objects Layout, Up: Referable Types Library [Index]