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The struct x1f4_1stscope_type operator definition extension is to include the X1f4_E4_MXCC_LIST bit in its bits1 bits list field. The remaining optimization parameters are to be introduced via the struct x1f4_operator_type first extension, in a struct x1f4_odbC_type definition. That is, the extension1 field of the struct x1f4_operator_type operator description must point a struct x1f4_1stscope_type record, whose odbC_data field must point a struct x1f4_odbC_type record, in turn describing the optimization parameters.

See struct x1f4_1stscope_type.

See struct x1f4_odbC_type.

See struct x1f4_operator_type.

See Operator First Extension Scope Flags.

The optimization transforms expressions like:

(2 + e) + (2 + c)


4 + e + c