Next: , Up: Referable Types Library Types   [Index] struct x1f4_cxpart_type

typedef struct x1f4_cxpart_type {
    const char *name;
    int (*copy)(void *, void *, void *, const void *,
		struct x1f4_caselink_type **), (*flat)(void *, void *),
	(*high)(void *, void *, struct x1f4_nodelink_type **),
	(*line)(void *, void *), type;
    unsigned size, trap;
    void *context;
} x1f4_cxpart_type;

The x1f4_cxpart_type record describes data types for the referable types library object constructor (the data description are constructed together with the library object that will make them available).


is the data type name


is the data type name length


is the type id

See Application Defined Types.

For the applications constructing referable types library objects via the executive assembler the type id needs not be specified (indeed, the specification is ignored). Instead, the struct x1f4_cxpart_type type description is updated to reflect the assigned type id, and for that reason it needs to be writable.

See Executive Assembler.


is the size to reserve for application use. The pointers passed as aime values indicate the application reserved section, just as the pointers passed to the methods in the struct x1f4_cxpart_type record do.


is the routine finalizing objects. If no such finalizing routine is required flat may be set to NULL. When called, the routine is supplied the type context (the context field in this very record) and the address at which data is stored as arguments, in this order.


is the routine initializing objects. When called, the routine is supplied the type context (the context field in this very record) and the address at which data is stored as arguments, in this order.


is the routine copying the application section of objects.

copy will be set to NULL to add a new reference to the source object instead making a copy of it.

The method is taken to create copies of the referred objects (if the copied object refers other objects) and sets them as referred by the object copy being made. It may do other things instead, such as adding a new reference hold by the object copy being made to the referred objects.

When called, the routine is supplied the reference tracking context, the type context (the context field in this very record), the address at which the data copy being made is stored, the address at which data being copied is stored and the struct x1f4_caselink_type linked list required by the non recursive data replication protocol as arguments, in this order.

See Data Replication.

See Non Recursive Data Replication.

See struct x1f4_caselink_type.

See struct x1f4_nodetype_type.


is the routine removing the references made to other objects. If no such reference removing routine is required high may be set to NULL.

When called, the routine is supplied the type context (the context field in this very record), the address at which data is stored and the struct x1f4_nodelink_type linked list required by the cycle dismantling protocol as arguments, in this order.

The routine is meant to remove all made references. That may mean calling for all referred objects the appropriate free or pick methods in their struct x1f4_nodetype_type type descriptions.

See Cycle Dismantling.

See struct x1f4_nodelink_type.

See struct x1f4_nodetype_type.

See Data Copying.

The struct x1f4_nodelink_type record associated with the processed object (that may be required while removing held references) is present in the object reference tracking reserved part.

See Referable Objects Layout.

All methods are expected to return zero for success, non zero for failure (error class indications are observed when returned).

See Error Classes.

Next: struct x1f4_lxpart_type, Up: Referable Types Library Types   [Index]