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extern int x1f4_lame_program
    (void *data, int (*this)(void *, const char *, unsigned),
     const char *program, unsigned flags, struct x1f4_c1record_type *c1record,
     struct x1f4_eelookup_type *eelookup);

The x1f4_lame_program function details the syntax error that prevented successful program parsing.

See Imperative Program Parsing Error Reporting.

The text describing the encountered error is output via the this method called with the error reporting data context as its first argument and the address and the length of the string for each of the strings making up the error report as its second and third arguments. The data and this arguments are not further interpreted.

The program program textual representation is used for building the error message (including determining the line number on which the program parsing failed).

The error record c1record is expected to have been setup by the failed program parsing function call and partially by the calling application.

See struct x1f4_c1record_type.

Some of the c1record features are only observed if their availability is hinted by flags.

See Imperative Language Interpreter Error Formatter Hints.

Extra information required to format the error report is collected from the parsing context description eelookup argument.

See struct x1f4_eelookup_type.

The extra information that may be required for formatting the error report includes:

The eelookup argument is always examined and may not be passed as NULL.

See x1f4_stat_program.