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extern int x1f4_pass_lxbail
    (void *context, void *lxbail);

The x1f4_pass_lxbail function disposes of the registred objects in a consolidated fashion. It expects the consolidated disposal manager as its sole argument.

The function returns 0 for success, non zero for failure (though currently it does not define failure conditions).

The function may be called whenever the application finds a disposal is in order. It should be called after program execution completion to dispose of still retained resources. For step by step execution of non procedural programs that has been interrupted (for execution error or any other reason), the function ought to be called after the program executable representation had been removed (e.g. by x1f4_fini_program) or cleaned up (e.g. through x1f4_flat_program).

See x1f4_fini_program.

See x1f4_flat_program.

See Step By Step Imperative Program Execution.