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extern int x1f4_pick_lxport(void *lxport, pid_t pid, int status);

The x1f4_pick_lxport function deregisters the status exited pid process ID with the lxport process library object.

For self management purposes, the process library objects registers the ID of the processes they start and do not wait (like those started for ‘xshell’ process execution contexts). Such processes are expected waited (through system primites such as wait(2) and waitpid(2)) by the application. The application is also expected obliging enough to let the process library objects know of its acknowledgement of the process execution completions.

status is the exit status information as recorded by the waiting system call (waitpid(2), etc).

The function returns 0 if no pid process ID was registered with the lxport process library object or if the pid process exited zero, X1f4_EX_CAN_CONTINUE otherwise.

See Error Classes.