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13.11.2 S Shell Functions


list ss_argv(sshell ss);

is the command line of the process to execute for the ss shell. The list may be operated as any list library provided list, though the process library expects that only items of the intrinsic string type and the byte data library provided byte array type are present in the list when executing the process.

See The List Library.

See The Byte Data Library.


sshell ss_fashion(sshell ss, integer s);

is ss, adds s to the ss shell flags set

See S Shell Flag Definitions.


text ss_line(sshell ss);

is the recorded output of the executed process for the ss shell.


data ss_path(sshell ss);

is the path to the executable to execute for the ss shell. It is to be set before execution.


sshell ss_plan(sshell ss, ...);

is ss, appends its unnamed arguments to the list of arguments (i.e. the command line) of the process to execute. It is a convenience for changing the command line (accessible via ‘ss_argv’) with list specific methods.


data ss_read(sshell ss);

is the byte array that recorded the output of the last executed process for the ss shell.


sshell ss_refine(sshell ss, integer s);

is ss, removes s from the ss shell flags set

See S Shell Flag Definitions.


sshell ss_set(sshell &ss, sshell st);

is st, sets the ss shell object as a reference of the st shell object


time ss_wait(sshell ss);

is the maximum time to wait for the executed process to complete execution. A zero value specifies that the process is to be waited indefinitely.

See The Date And Time Library.

Process Execution

The ‘ss_line’ and ‘ss_link’ functions execute the process and wait for its completion. The path and command line of the executed process are expected set via the objects available through ‘ss_path’ and ‘ss_argv’, respectively. If the ‘ss_path’ set path has a zero bytes length, the first item in the command line is used instead. A maximum wait time may be set through ‘ss_wait’.

The recorded output will also be available after the ‘ss_link’ call via the ‘ss_read’ function.

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